What kind of Student are you? Ever wondered if you are considered to be a good or bad student. Well take this quiz and find out! http://www.educationplanner.org/students/self-assessments/kind-of-student.shtml Stay Happy and Safe!
Let's Clear Some Misconceptions Here.... For any homeschoolers out there, you can probably relate with me. Almost all of us (talking about the homeschoolers) have been confronted by people who have a certain idea about this way of schooling. Majority of is not accurate. So lets clear a few things up, shall we... One thing people think is that people who do school online don't get to interact with other people. In most people's cases this is not true. See for me, I interact with many people despite the fact that I am a homeschooler. There are many ways that a homeschooler can interact with people like: being in a youth group, attending extra curricular activities, taking dual credit(for high schoolers), being in a scouting program, being in a homeschooling group, or even by meeting with friends on the weekends. Another thing that people assume is that homeschoolers don't have a communication with a teacher. Again, for most people this is not true. See the ...
I am LATE! Three continuous blogs are coming.... So now I will talk more about my experiences with online school. It is a little different from normal school. The difference is that you don't have to go anywhere, school is all in the comfort of your home. My seventh grade year was full of adjustments. I had to work with textbooks and workbooks. My schoolwork didn't move online until high school. And that my friends was a different experience on its own! Now, I will talk about my first year of homeschooling. It was a year of adjustments and learning. We had to get used to the way we studied. In this particular curriculum we had to learn on our own, but thankfully I had my mom, online sources, and a tutor to help me and my siblings on this new journey. I had to take paper tests and scan it to the school for grading. I also had daily lessons to complete each day. These lessons laid out the particular things I had to do for each subject. It was an experience I will...