
Showing posts from May, 2020

Extracurricular Activities!

Extracurricular Activities! Everyone needs to have an activity that they enjoy! It doesn't matter if you go to public, private or even homeschool. We all deserve to have a fun activity to do during the week. It can be anything for example: an educational activity, sports, group gathering, scouting, or just something you enjoy. When I started to homeschool I began to take archery lessons on Wednesday evenings. It was fun, because it was a social activity for me and it was something I was interested in. I also am in Girl Scouts, technically I have been a member for....hmm...maybe 5 years now. I was also recently taking an art class in the summer, where I learned to draw and paint things. It was especially fun since a lot of my friends were there.  However, I am not in any activities at the moment :( So try to get into a extracurricular activity, if you are not in one. It will hopefully be something you enjoy doing! Even though it pretty complicated now, we can always do our fun activ...

Organization is Key!

Organization is Key! Whenever school starts we all get excited about buying school supplies and becoming organized. Just because your homeschooled that doesn't mean we can't be crafty and organized. It helps to have a system for school...or anything you do in life. 1. Have a planner: It helps organizes what you must do and you already have done 2. Have a clean work area: Your mind will work better when there is no clutter 3. Make a schedule for the day: This way you'll know exactly what you have to do 4. Make sure you take breaks: You need a break here and there to freshen up Hope these tips helped you and Peace out!

The New School Life

The New School Life As you all know, the quarantine due to the pandemic has moved physical schooling to virtual schooling. Its different, but for the safety of the community it had to be done. However, its not all bad. We can make most of the situation. I know its summer now but, this can prepare you for the Fall.  It is going to be an adjustment, but its not impossible. We just have to think positive and think of it as a normal school day. You can still zoom/FaceTime your friends.  As a homeschooler, there is still a change I have to adjust to. I have to stay home, not go anywhere. However, the way of schooling is the same. You must not think of this a bad thing. You can always Google, email your teachers, and call your friends for help. Its even at your leisure, being at home. So, lets think positive of the situation and make the most of it! Have an Awesome Day!!

Don't Know What To Write...

Don't Know What To Write... So I am blank on topics. I don't know exactly what to write about homeschooling at the moment. I would like to reach out to you guys and ask what would you like me to write about in reference to schooling at home. Comment down below and please give me suggestions.  Don't Forget to be Positive!!

I Made a Poll

I Made a Poll I am trying to see who is the majority of my audience. So if you can fill out the one question poll, that will show me who is reading this blog. Poll: Make the Best of Your Day & Do Not Forget to Smile :)


Let's Clear Some Misconceptions Here.... For any homeschoolers out there, you can probably relate with me. Almost all of us (talking about the homeschoolers) have been confronted by people who have a certain idea about this way of schooling. Majority of is not accurate. So lets clear a few things up, shall we... One thing people think is that people who do school online don't get to interact with other people. In most people's cases this is not true. See for me, I interact with many people despite the fact that I am a homeschooler. There are many ways that a homeschooler can interact with people like: being in a youth group, attending extra curricular activities, taking dual credit(for high schoolers), being in a scouting program, being in a homeschooling group, or even by meeting with friends on the weekends. Another thing that people assume is that homeschoolers don't have a communication with a teacher. Again, for most people this is not true. See the ...

Starting High school....(My story)

The First year of High school.... I will be honest I was nervous about starting high school. Especially, since I knew I would be taking biology and Spanish (I am not a science person). It was all new to me. Like I mentioned in a previous post, everything went digital and electronic for high school in my homeschooling curriculum. So, that was also something to get adjusted to.  I had to learn to be more discipline, which I am still learning that to this day. I thankfully had family support and people to guide me during this big stepping stone. I had to organize everything out, and I will say I had my struggles. You will be confronted by problems, but you can succeed if you know how to tackle it head on! Some tips for homeschooling freshmen's (or any student): 1. Have a planner and write down your goals and accomplishments for the day 2. Do not procrastinate on work (its hard, I still struggle) 3. Take a small break after you accomplish something 4. Pray (You n...

Catch up

I am LATE! Three continuous blogs are coming.... So now I will talk more about my experiences with online school. It is a little different from normal school. The difference is that you don't have to go anywhere, school is all in the comfort of your home. My seventh grade year was full of adjustments. I had to work with textbooks and workbooks. My schoolwork didn't move online until high school. And that my friends was a different experience on its own!  Now, I will talk about my first year of homeschooling. It was a year of adjustments and learning. We had to get used to the way we studied. In this particular curriculum we had to learn on our own, but thankfully I had my mom, online sources, and a tutor to help me and my siblings on this new journey.  I had to take paper tests and scan it to the school for grading. I also had daily lessons to complete each day. These lessons laid out the particular things I had to do for each subject. It was an experience I will...

First Blog! Take 1 :)

I am a mix of feelings. Like those emojis above! Hi! Thanks for reading my blog! This is my first one so lets not expect much. My name is Deena and this blog will be about my experiences of doing online school aka. "Homeschooling". I am a junior in high school and I have been homeschooling since seventh grade. This blog is a project for my Media Studies class. I am to post five days a week for three weeks. However, I might continue after.... but lets first see where this takes me.  So, I will just be brief in this post and then I will get into more detail of my experiences with each post. Homeschooling is a way of doing school, but in the comfort of your home. It is flexible and self paced. There are many reasons for people to homeschool like: people who are focusing on sports, acting, or any big extracurricular activities, or people who want to avoid being bullied, or family travels a lot, or they just feel more comfortable being at home.  Now you have a brief ...